If you need to reach one of our services, visit one of the below contact forms to submit an online enquiry and we’ll get in touch with you.
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All information provided to the Family Law Service is strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party without your prior consent.
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If you are deaf or hearing impaired, please contact us through the National Relay Service: 133 677 (TTY/Voice) or 1300 555 727 (SSR).
These services can contact us on (02) 9559 2899.
Marrickville Legal Centre welcomes feedback of all kinds, as it assists us to improve our services. We are committed to a fair and transparent complaints process. Please direct any written feedback to feedback@mlc.org.au and see our Managing Complaints Policy for more info. You can also read about our confidential and clear response to reports of fraud, misconduct and undesirable behaviour within Marrickville Legal Centre in our Whistleblower Policy.
We acknowledge the Gadigal, Wangal, Guringal, Wallumedegai, and Cammeraygal people of the Eora Nation as the first peoples of our region.
Monday – Tuesday: 9:30am – 5pm
Wednesday: 9:30am – 1pm
Thursday – Friday: 9:30am – 5pm
Closed last Friday of every month