Bring it on festival 2022


While studies have identified that more than 50% of young people experience a legal problem each year, a large majority are unaware of free legal services available at community organisations like Marrickville Legal Centre. Without legal advice, a minor legal problem can snowball and have a devastating impact on a young person’s life. A licence suspension, for example, can easily evolve into more serious issues such as loss of employment, debt and/or homelessness. 

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In celebration of Youth Week NSW 2022, Marrickville Legal Centre in collaboration with YCollab, a local youth-led organisation, attended the Fairfield City Council Bring It On! Festival to promote the free statewide Youth Legal Service NSW to young people in South-West Sydney. 

The annual music, sporting and arts festival has been running for almost two decades and attracts thousands of young people each year. Young people enjoyed free music, performances, thrill rides and workshops, and had the opportunity to connect with over 30 youth services including, Youth Off the Streets, STARTTS, Lifeline, Hume Housing and Fairfield Liverpool Youth Health Team.

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The team from Marrickville Legal Centre engaged festival-goers to learn about their employment rights, police powers and the age of criminal responsibility through fun activities for all ages. Marrickville Legal Centre solicitors provided free legal health checks whilst passionate legal volunteers surveyed attendees on Youth Matters to get to the heart of issues that are important and relevant to young people in South-West Sydney. The surveys will guide Marrickville Legal Centre’s community legal education initiatives to provide targeted, relevant legal information to young people in the local area.

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According to the Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) score, South-West Sydney is one of the most disadvantaged regions in NSW based on indicators such as housing, education and employment. In particular, young people in Fairfield experience higher rates of poverty, limited education and insecure employment.

With the support of our dedicated volunteers and everyone who joined us for a chat at Bring It On! Festival, we are one step closer to creating access to justice for us all – especially young people!

Try our free quizzes below to test your knowledge on police powers and work rights.