Savvy Finance is an e-learning program designed for women at risk of domestic or family violence to reduce the material and emotional impact of financial abuse across their lifespan.
Savvy Finance is a free e-learning program for women who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing domestic or family violence to reduce the material and emotional impact of financial abuse. These modules below can help you on your journey to recognising the signs of financial abuse, and what steps you can take to get help.
The development of Savvy Finance was made possible thanks to the Sydney Community Foundation and Sydney Airport ‘Bid for Good’ Partnership major grant to Marrickville Legal Centre.
In addition, we thank the expertise of the Savvy Finance Steering Committee from Colin Biggers & Paisley, Redfern Legal Centre, University of Sydney, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Good Shepherd Australia & New Zealand, Lokahi Foundation, Sydney Local Health District, Mission Australia, College of Law, Centre for Women’s Economic Safety & CareSuper.